Out of school - for school.20 instructional films on the topic of “basic knitting”, knitting techniques from the first to the last stitch and sewing. In addition to the knitting techniques, the design of different knitting areas and the knitting font are shown.The following information can be found in all of our 8 apps on “textile techniques”:ALL FILMS ARE WITHOUT SOUNDReason:When watching the films, learners can keep their work in their hands and immediately understand the movements shown. Headphone cables are a nuisance, and suddenly loud scraps of speech distract other workers.The reduction to the visual presentation enables learners who do not speak German to work with our teaching aids.credentialsSeveral universities of teacher education (e.g. PHZH) have licensed our works and placed the films for the students on the servers of their knowledge base.An overview of the contents of each work can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF from our homepage «keller-ulrich.ch».